

All the art has been uploaded and I am done with everything. It's unlikely I will work on improving this website given how much I learned that I hate CSS and HTML. I will add minor updates periodically, but for now it will just be art uploads. My next big plans will be adding a more animated background (fog effect?), a RSS feed, a website button and a chatbox.


Finished all the html and css for the art. All I need to do is upload it all.


Sorry for the lack of updates, I got burned out of making this website. I'm busy with college and just my mind is on other things. But don't worry! The release is coming soon. I got back into making the website and have stuff saved on my machine. For now, I just added the art main hub page. I will design the buttons and then add the art pages and we should be ready. I'll get this done in the next week or so.


Created the updates, links and aboutme. I'll add art next and then we should be out of alpha.